There are two types of countries – countries that are for their people, and countries that are for ideas.

The latter could be described as “wordism” – loyalty to an idea; for example, religion, monarchy, Communism, #Fascism, are all forms of “wordism”.

A “wordism” can never allow REAL Freedom of Speech because words made it, and words can destroy it. So the “wordism” declares that “You have free speech, but not HATE speech”.

Sound familiar? “Diversity” (Multiracial-ism), is also a “wordism”. The idea behind “Diversity” is that there can be no ethnic states. US General Wesley Clark said “there can be no ethnically pure states in Europe”, there are lots of “non-diverse” areas in non-White areas . . . but Europe is White.

Europe is expected to be “progressive” in the mind of an anti-White, and non-Whites are expected to be “primitive”.

This means that “Diversity”, the one true religion will mercilessly target any White area that goes against “Diversity” (Multiracial-ism).

Multiracial-ism has no loyalty to WHO lives in a certain country, but multiracial-ism demands loyalty of them.

So to say again, there can never be a “wordism” that allows freedom. Diversity it just a codeword for White genocide. MORE here: